Friday, September 5, 2014

How did I get here?

What brings me to SNHU? Well to start, I live only 15 minutes from campus so the location is perfect. I can keep my jobs, I can work at home, I can see my family, and I can sleep in my own room!  I recently transferred to SNHU from the University of New England for many reasons, but to keep things brief I will list only three.  First reason:  the caliber of education SNHU has to offer, specifically their Department of Education, is much greater than that of UNE.  Second reason: SNHU is much cheaper, for I can live at home and commute, cutting out room and board cost, among other things. Third reason: overall, I very much disliked UNE due to multiple happenings throughout the year, the overall community, and the food… In short, my “journey”, if you will, to EDU 235, stems from all such happenings last academic year, as well as my many childhood experiences which further supported my dream of one day becoming an elementary school teacher.    

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